Critical Race Theory: A Quick Guide

In the audio clip (available here) from the Impressions of America episode “Politics – Rudy Giuliani, JFK Jr., and Big Bird,” Vaughn gives a succinct explanation of Critical Race Theory, its history, how it is used in historical analysis, and context for how it is being used politically in the current moment during the 2021 Virginia Governor’s race. That audio clip includes the same information written here, but for a visual explanation, this is what Critical Race Theory means. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an academic theory used to interpret, among other things, history.  History and Foundations of Critical Race …

Marking the Fascist’s Manifesto: An American Historian’s Views on the 1776 Commission’s Report

Grade: F (for Fascism) - 1776 Commission Report PDF - Fully Marked This report seeks to “summariz[e] the principles of the American founding and how those principles have shaped our country” by “truthfully recounting the aspirations and actions of the men and women who sought to build America as a shining ‘city upon a hill’” (1). This report is dangerously partisan, filled with errors and erroneous assertions, and irreputable having cited and been written by zero historians of American history. This report claims to be writing a history of American principles “that is ‘accurate, honest, unifying, inspiring, and ennobling’.” (1) …

Standing Up for Your Beliefs at Christmas

With the holiday season upon us, we at Impressions of America wanted to establish something once and for all, to provide a firm stance behind which we stand united. It’s important to us this year, as it is every year and all year round, to come together with our loved ones ideologically and to stand for the values and convictions that make us who we are. If you can’t stand behind your opinions, your values, the things that get you out of bed in the morning to say, “Good morning, America,” then what is the point?  We at Impressions want …

Every Day is Election Day: Living Through History

There is a popular meme from the 2019 film Marriage Story which depicts Adam Driver’s character angrily shouting at his former partner (Scarlet Johansson), then thumping the wall with his fist, before finally collapsing to the ground, sobbing at the feet of his partner. The key piece of dialogue in this scene, and the title of the meme, is “every day I wake up”. The meme has been used in every conceivable manner across the internet, as is the way with popular memes, but it’s true purpose, I believe, is to depict the current political landscape, one where every day …

Can the President Get Away with Murder?

In January 2016, then Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump stood before an audience in Iowa and stated, “The polls. They say I have the most loyal people, did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible.” These remarks at the time garnered backlash from the Democrats and the left, but overall didn’t seem to make a difference to his base in the Electoral College, as he went on to win the election later that year.  Four years later, we are coming …

Sympathy for the Devil – Trump gets COVID-19

It is unsurprising that an elderly man who doesn’t believe in wearing a mask or taking safety precautions during a global pandemic has tested positive for a highly contagious pathogenic viral infection. What makes it newsworthy is that the person is the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. And Trump isn’t alone in testing positive for COVID-19: from White House aide Nick Luna to right-wing loudmouth Chris Christie, Republicans are receiving coronavirus tests like they’re NRA kickbacks. But what about the Democrats? What has their reaction been? Well, for the ones highest up the political ladder, it has …

Politicians as Mythical Creatures

In a riveting speech by Kimberly “Banshee” Guilfoyle’s boyfriend, Don Jr. described Joe Biden as “basically the Loch Ness Monster of the swamp.” Given his surface level understanding of the Scottish Gaelic word “loch” and Vaughn’s background in paleo-cryptozoology, we thought we could do better. Let us know in the comments how we did or how you’d assign the politicians. Joe Biden – Ouroboros A copy of a 1478 drawing by Theodoros Pelecanos Joe Biden is less of the Loch Ness Monster and far more of an ouroboros, the mythical snake depicted as swallowing its own tail. Presidential Candidate Biden …

Left on Voting Biden

I'm going to attempt to explain my frustration with the myriad posts I'm seeing of people not wanting to vote for Biden or at all. This is my frustration alone, and it is absolutely your right to vote however you like. I just need to get this out. I'm going to start with a bombshell first to white people: In my view, it is white privilege to actively choose not to vote this November. (Actively choose as opposed to systemic disenfranchisement preventing you from voting). What I mean by this is that you've witnessed the last four years, you've seen …

Wrong Impressions: Warren Changes Strategy for 2024 – Rebrands as Patriots Fan

In the wake of losing the 2020 Democratic Nomination for President to Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren has announced that she will change her strategy when she runs again for President in 2024: Warren will rebrand as a New England Patriots fan. "Even if Biden wins in November, it's likely he won't run again in 2024, and that's why I'm taking the initiative and announcing my candidacy now. I've lost the last two Democratic nominations, and I realise I need to pivot and bring a fresh message that will help me reach voters I've failed to attract in the past. That's …

Voting Options in Every State

Voting in 2020 has become a hot issue on the national stage, but fear not! There are many voting options available for the General Election on November 3, 2020. To help you find your options, below is an alphabetical list of every state’s regulations for voting with alternatives where available for voting by mail and links to the election council’s website for further information. Below each state’s policy is a quote from their sites detailing how to return your ballot in in-person options.  To quickly run through these options:  Some states offer in-person Early Voting. This means that you might …